When Foreword Reviews magazine featured eight debut authors in its Summer 2015 issue, it introduced the work of eight writers from widely different backgrounds and geographical regions writing across the spectrum of literary genres. It also introduced the eight writers to each other. Connecting through various social media platforms, the Foreword Reviews 8–as we’ve now dubbed ourselves–decided to try using a Twitter chat session to discuss some of our experiences as debut authors. In a fast, free-flowing, and fun half-hour on August 20th, using the hashtag #debutnovel and including @ForewordReviews, we discussed how long it took us to write, what the editing experience was like, what was most enjoyable or memorable, what we would do differently if we had a do-over, how we’re connecting with readers, and a range of related topics. Foreword Reviews was wonderfully supportive of the effort, even blogging about it in advance, and these eight debut authors are grateful for everything the folks there have done to spread the word.