Save the date to join in celebrating the release of Up the Hill to Home. The party is on Wednesday, April 29th from 7-9 p.m. at the Hotel Monaco in Washington, D.C., just a day after the book’s official release. Come soak up the history and gorgeous architecture, along with some fine food and drink, and raise a glass to the publication of this D.C.-based literary historical novel.
Why this location? Why, it’s part of the book, of course! The building that houses the Hotel Monaco was originally the General Post Office, designed by Washington Monument and Treasury architect Robert Mills, and later expanded by Capitol Architect Thomas U. Walter. The Post Office plays a significant role in Up the Hill to Home: it’s where Charley and Emma’s courtship gets its start.
The Hotel Monaco is located at 700 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. It’s across from the Portrait Gallery and Verizon Center, as well as the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro station.